Monday, August 28, 2006

Week in Review - Aug 21 thru Aug 28

Another update from the newly instated M:SCL. Yeah – now that I have a legitimate purpose I’m doing regular updates. It may be weekly, it may be bi-weekly, it may be whenever I get to it - but it'll be more often than before. This time I’ll review my role in the DJB and what it means to the membership.

As of last night I am the Master and Commander of the Forums. My experience and longevity in the DJB have granted me the right to act as the SCL. Plus Rax says he hates dealing with the forums. As such, regular pruning and clean-up will occur. I’ve already axed people who have been inactive in the last 8 months. Anyone who hasn’t logged into the forums since 01/01/06 and had less than 10 posts is gone.

I plan on wiping out the spam boards too. It’s not because I’m totally opposed to spam – hell I’ve been guilty of the same crap I get on other people about (but it’s the level of excess that separates me from them – one or two posts like that a month are ok). Cleaning out the spam boards reduces the amount of data the forums has to keep track of, thus making the site run faster.

Another measure I’m going to try to get automated is the closing of topics after 45-60 days. This will put a lid on all the thread resurrection that’s been going on. I’m all for new people joining in to a conversation, but dragging up a 2-month old topic is kind of stupid. This is especially true when the topic was rather time-sensitive, as in the case of a specific clan activities or the GJW.

The Secret Project
Sadly, I haven’t done a damned thing for it in about two weeks. I went through a huge editing frenzy, trying to establish a framework for future expansion. This had me linking and creating about 70 different items in one night, and an additional 40 or so the next morning. I just wanted it to be in place and knew if I left it I’d never get it done. I think that little stint burnt me out a tad.

I can’t wait until it goes public only so I can ease off inputting so much information, though we’re not quite near that point since a lot of the templates are not in place.

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