Monday, October 30, 2006

It's Been Quiet...

Nothing to really complain about lately, so it’s been rather quiet here at ‘Words’…

The Wiki project is moving along nicely now that my staff is getting the e-mail I’m sending. I was beginning to think that the group, comprised of some of the most active people in the project, just flat out doesn’t read their e-mail. Turns out I had the wrong address for a couple of them, and others have three or four addresses and don’t always check the one on their dossier (to which all I can say is… WTF?). I have received a few inquiries from people looking to join the staff, and though I don’t need anyone now I keep their messages flagged for follow up in case I do need more people. So essentially, if you’re interested in being on the Wiki staff, let me know. I’ll keep your info on file.

The forums have been rather eventless, except for some rogue spam from some unregistered people. This was easily thwarted by making it so that unregistered guests can’t post anything. Can’t make new threads, can’t post on existing ones, can’t even send PM’s to people on the boards. The retards who were spamming? Well they can eat shit and die for all I care. If I can find a way to ban them by IP, I will. I need to keep watch on the wiki to make sure they don’t strike there as well…

This wouldn’t be the same without an observance of the Herald position.

Muz put a call out to a few skilled people for some work for him. I’m not sure if it’s a hush project so that’s all I’ll say other than I’ve started working on some images for him. I hope to make a few components and send them his way for integration.

I’ve also changed my mind on the robes – again – and sent a few pics to the P:HRLD to adapt the “Knight” robes into my color scheme, but he said something about not knowing how to work on robes yet. I might have to send it to Muz to get it done. I was hoping by going through the Praetor it’d just be done quickly since there’s not much to it other than a recolor and a slight mod to the boots.

I’ve also contemplated getting ahold of the program they use just so I could do the mods myself without bothering them. This, of course, is not something I’d want to do. I know I’d always hate it when people would just request the ‘working file’ for whatever I was in charge of so they could modify it to their liking. People constantly requested the Warbanner template so they could screw with it, and I’d almost always say NO. I think I actually only gave it to one person – Muz.

Titles and Realism
Titles have been under debate a lot lately, and I don’t mean the “real” DJB titles like Darth or some Clan Name title. It’s the bullshit ones people give themselves, like “Prince of…” or “Scourge of…” something they make up. It’s just plain dumb because, as others have said, it’s just a way to stand apart, to make themselves look ‘better’ than everyone else at their level. Frankly I’d rather people accept that they are lowly nobodies, but since that won’t happen I’d like to see the Prestige System in place so people can waste points on such stupid things.

This leads me to “realism” within the scope of the DJB. I’ve pissed and moaned before on the Capital Ship debate, but let me rehash that slightly. The Clans all own these huge capital ships. It takes about 1,200 people to run one of these things, yet a 25-person group has not one – but a few. This is retarded. The entire active DJB population might be able to perform as the skeleton crew of a VSD. Maybe.

My point here also applies to people who are under DJK (or even under DA for that matter) who are trying to make themselves out to be these big, bad motherf-ers by adding a few bullshit titles. Truth be told a DJK is a Jedi Knigbht in name only. A true Jedi Knight would be far more powerful. Remember the words of Yoda:

Luke: ”Is the Dark Side stronger?”
Yoda: “No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.”

Wise was the small, old Jedi, and heed his words we should. Let’s not get too hasty about how powerful we really are. A DJK won’t be able to lift starfighters out of a swamp with ease. Hell – it might even challenge a DA. Did you see how Yoda struggled? He was a Jedi Master – the Jedi’s Grand Master in fact - and the single most powerful being on the Council.

The Force allows you to use powers to augment your abilities – it does not turn you into a god. What I’m trying to say here is that the meter of “what is possible” is initially, and in my opinion ultimately, set by what you see in the six films made under George Lucas’ supervision. Anything else is skeptical.

Going all the way back to the beginning, I think titles like Darth should be a tad more accessible. I mean… how many people in the DJB currently have that? Two? Three? Yeah that’s makes them special and elite, but I think there should be a few more, purely based on their service.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kaine your really on top of things...swatting the spammers...stopping some of the members from making retarded titles...clarified that some of the DJK and up think their freakin immortal to almost everything...and my favorite realism in RP fashion...I mean thought about for a sec, thinkin how and the hell does a clan run a VSD-II with like 80 members, also the fact that some people should deserve the grabbing of Darth, some people just deserved such an award out of pure dedication for so many years of service...I give this a S+. No more A's.

Galaphile Gonshiro al'Tor