Thursday, June 01, 2006


Forum Activity. It comes and it goes, right? But isn't it funny how after I make the announcement that I'm not going to rule over the posting as strictly as I have, the post counts quadruple.

Relevance is subjective to the viewer. When that viewer has the power to alter the content, contributors are at their mercy. I have very little tolerance for nonsense postings, thus I tend to eradicate all the blatant spam posts (and a few others that are just pointless, even if they aren’t classified as spam). My administrative method is effective, though tends to destroy some of the enjoyment of the forums. This, too, is subjective – and where I may consider something stupid, boring or otherwise pointless, someone else might think it’s funny.

This is a fine line we walk every time we post, and because of this I always ask that people put a tad bit of thought into their contribution. Taking a few minutes to ponder what you are going to say in response to someone else’s comments could yield a more enriched experience for everyone. Trust me – anything is better than posting a “me too” remark. I’m not asking for novels here. Just consider what you are going to say, and write accordingly. Make a point, and support it – or support someone else’s point and elaborate as to why you feel the same way.

I’m still watching you all…

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