Tuesday, April 25, 2006

In The Beginning…

This is the post that establishes who I am and why you should be reading it. It’s supposed to grab your interest and make you want to keep reading. Hopefully you are already familiar with who I am, but in case you aren’t, here’s a brief history:

I joined the DJB back in 1997 when it was still part of the EH. I was an Admiral in the TIE Corps and held many positions as assistants to the CO staff. Most people remember me as the COMM:A, under the COMM officer SA Thedek, where I rewrote the Code of Conduct for the club, establishing many rules that even the DJB uses today. I did not have much involvement with the DJB until I was passed over for the position of Internet Officer, and the elected IO decided I wasn’t worth keeping around.

I joined the DJB and bounced around the clans until I settled in Aquillas. I quickly shot though the ranks and positions, becoming QUA of Senryaku. Everything seemed great until the DC decided that Aquillas was the least active clan and needed to be dissolved. Joining the Rogues, I was rather annoyed with how my career in the DJB was working. I talked quite a bit to my good friend at the time, Thedek, who had become the Grand Master. He told me that an opening on the Council was about to come up and that I was a great fit for it. The position was HERALD.

Five and a half years later I was still there. In my time as Herald I created many policies and systems that are still in place today. In just a brief look at things that are still relevant, I made Custom Lightsabers possible and brought forth the Warbanner plan that replaced the old Grant of Arms system. I had several other projects in the works during my reign – some were completed, some weren’t. Some were great, some sucked – but overall I did quite a bit to help change the face of the club and make it a more enjoyable experience. I took a self-imposed retirement from the DC in October of 2005 because my real life started to infringe on the time I know the DJB needed.

There was a time when the rank of Dark Prophet meant you were a retired Grand Master, thus the rank was above GM. These people were on the roster just as reminders. They had long since quit the club and never came back. When we split from the EH the rank was revamped into being nearly on-par with GM. There are only two people who have since been promoted this high. I was the first, and I intend to be as active as I can, lending the Brotherhood my knowledge and expertise whenever they ask.

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