Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Since Last Time...

This has become a monthly-type update. I’m OK with that I suppose, especially since my DJB activity has dropped off the radar. It seems like a bad time to try to come back anyhow. The GJW is already at the middle, and I thought it said somewhere that you need to do all or nothing. You can’t start in the middle… or you can’t do one event without doing the events before it… or something. It wasn’t clear so I’ll just keep away.

Anyhow Since I'm not really sure when I last posted, this is a synopsis of "then" up to "now". Kind of.

GJW, Minus the W… and the G.
The Great Jedi War rages on and I’m not taking part in it at all. Well – I did one little thing. I sided with the “red” Jac, whatever that truly means. Skimming the rather long (but admittedly well written) narrative for the event did not yield me the information on the ‘red’ vs. ‘blue’ versions I was looking for. It wasn’t easy for me to see what the differences were, so I used my own brand of logic. The dossier for ‘red’ is the original Jac. It’s dossier #6, is still on the DC and has the correct robe. The ‘blue’ Jac is dossier #7830, is Rogue and had (at the time) a generic APP robe. Clearly, from this evidence, ‘red’ is the right one.

Anyway, I feel that the GJW is always inappropriately named. This story arc isn’t really a great Jedi war as much as it is some sort of assassination plot. When I think of ‘war’ and Jedi’ I think more along the lines of the battles from AOTC and ROTS where Jedi are beating the crap out of things with lightsabers or leading clone troopers to conquer strategic landmarks. Espionage is a part of war, but not the main focus. Perhaps if there was more reporting about MP-game matches other than the scores it might seem a little more interesting. Maybe if matches determined some kind of outcome for the storyline they might seem more important.

Hell given this ‘red’ and ‘blue’ Jac thing you could easily tie that into RC or SWBF2 since the teams are red and blue by default.

To me it seems like a lot of focus of fan fiction is completely removed from the multiplayer game element. Why not play out an ACC-type battle in Jedi Academy – then write about it in the same manner? I realize that a JA match lasts, in some cases, about 10-15 seconds, but maybe for the sake of RP-ability tone down the skill…?

It’s a tough call really. This odd balance of the rather universal Fan Fiction and the not-always-compatible gaming is only as good as the people who take part. If CF-hungry power gamers are the only ones playing JO/JA, casual gamers have no chance – nor does this concept of the role-play fight.

I think what I’m trying to say is this: I think more needs to be written about the Multiplayer events. If you have a 4 on 4 space battle match in SWBF2, write about the results in ‘epic space battle’ fashion. Although I admit the chances of getting 8 DJBers in one server is nearly impossible, it would be cool to see that kind of thing.

All this is not a slam against Kaiann though. I have a lot of respect for the time and effort he puts into making the club enjoyable, regardless of how often we've come to verbal blows.

I haven’t picked on the Herald lately, so I’ll do that now.

He released his final version of the robes and they’re quite a nice step up from the original 3D ones. Honestly – and I can’t stress this enough – unless you’re doing something about them, you can’t complain about it. Muz and his crew worked their collective asses off (for free) spending a lot of personal free time (without pay) to bring you better visuals for the club. Having been on that end of it I know exactly how it feels, and how frustrating it is when people start bitching for the sake of bitching.

So in short – unless you ARE doing something better, not just saying you can, shut up.

I haven’t said anything about the HM or the MAA, or at least if I have it’s been a while. Having no real obvious reason to visit the SA I don’t tend to note changes or improvements. I will say I stand behind the idea of removing SA course abbreviations from the ID Line. I know a lot of new people tend to take a crap load of SA courses to make their ID Lines seem significant compared to veterans.

I do think that one’s dossier number should be added to the ID line. Rank, name, order, house/clan, dossier number – everything anyone needs to know. Hell even just name and dossier number works. Everything else is on the dossier from SA courses to medals to clan/house membership history.

DP Kaine Mandaala (Obelisk)/Rogue/5

Yeah, I like the look of that.

I had mulled over joining another clan just before the GJW but contemplated the expectance of my participation and quickly reconsidered. The last thing I want is to have some QUA treating me like some sort of saving grace for their house. My activity level – if you can call it that – is rather restricted to maintaining the Forums.

Speaking of which, I really should talk to Jac about changing my title on there. It still says I’m Herald. Also I’ll pick his brain about giving me the power to do stuff like that – change titles, etc. I mean I heavily moderate the place as it is – deleting posts, editing content, moving things around – what’s a tad more power?

Going back to the Clan thing – where does a Dark Prophet fit? I mean Mav and I are the only two, and he’s pretty much gone. I saw him floating around on IRC but otherwise he’s non-existent. I wanted to prove that DP does not mean “Dead Profile” but at the same time I don’t want to deal with the bullshit that most clans go through to stay active. Maybe I’ll talk with some Clan/House leaders to see what is expected and what is accepted.

Yeah I've poked about here and there, edited people's messages, deleted others, and even said some stuff that was kind of mean but it's all in good fun. As long as you realize I don't intend on being a total jerk, it's all good.

E-Mail or PM me if you have a problem. Don't make threads or hijack other threads with posts about how I'm being a jerk.